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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Why I Walk Wednesday: Danielle Matragrano

Every Wednesday during March for Babies season, we'll feature a local NICU to Now story. This week, we're featuring Danielle's story as recalled by her mom Jennifer.

It was the day of my 25 week checkup and the doctor said I needed to go to the Fair Oaks hospital because there was protein in my urine and my blood pressure was off the chart. We went straight to the hospital where I was told I was suffering from preeclampsia and they would have to perform an emergency C-section. We were transferred via ambulance to Fairfax Hospital where Danielle Grace Matragrano was born weighing only 1 pound, 2 ounces and was 10 inches long.  

We stayed in the NICU for 118 days and experienced a roller coaster of emotions. Danielle is now a healthy, active 4-year-old. She is involved in karate, dance, gymnastics and loves going to Disney World.

Make a difference for babies like Danielle by joining your local March for Babies! Register today at

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