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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Why We Walk Wednesday: Team Callie May

After trying to get pregnant and suffering two miscarriages, we were elated to make it to the “safe” part of our pregnancy. At 20 weeks, we found out we were having a healthy, little girl and began announcing to the world that we would be having a baby on May 31, 2009.  Three weeks later, I was placed on complete bed rest, upside down doing everything humanly possible to keep my baby put. 
On February 13, 2009, despite everyone’s best efforts, Callie entered the world. She was born limp and didn’t cry. She weighed only 1 pound 5 ounces. They held her up to us for an instant before rushing her to the NICU. An hour later, they came and got us, saying that they wanted to give us a chance to see her alive and didn’t think that she would make it until morning. Devastated, we went to her side and told her how much we loved her and how proud of her we were and asked her to fight.  
Fight she did. Callie spent the next three months in three different NICUs. She had four surgeries -- all before coming home. We were told her chances of ever walking or living a normal life was slim because of the severity of her brain bleed. Our little fighter showed the world statistics didn’t matter.
Now a healthy 4-year-old, Callie continues to exceed everyone’s expectation -- keeping up with the other kids in preschool, swimming and gymnastics.  

The March of Dimes means hope. It means hope that one day all babies can be born healthy. Hope that these innocent babies will not have to struggle as hard to meet milestones. Hope that mother’s won’t have to watch their babies struggle for life. It is hope for the future.

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