Family Team News

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Why We Walk Wednesday: Team Super Noah

Who doesn't like a story about a super hero? Team Super Noah is walking in March for Babies because at Noah's mom's 20 week ultrasound, the doctor told his parents that something was wrong. He looked at them with uncertainty and helplessness and used words like "Preterm labor," "Viability" and "Second-term miscarriage." Seven weeks later, Noah Alexander was born weighing 2 lbs. 5oz. and was 15 inches long.

By the numbers, it was: 
  • 28 hours before his mom could hold him
  • 15 days before he needed a blood transfusion 
  • 28 days before he drank from a bottle for the first time
  • 46 days before the last tube was removed and his family was able to see his face for the first time
  • 5 extra days that he had to stay in the hospital after an apnea episode caused his heart rate to drop for what seemed like hours instead of minutes
  • And, 56 days before his parents were able to take him home and hold him in peace and quiet -- although they were nervous without the security of machines, nurses and doctors

Team Super Noah is Marching for Babies because they know what statistics and doctors may say and what is actually possible.

They March for Babies because they know how powerful an ounce and a milliliter can be.

They March for Babies because they know what it means to hold someone so small and so young in your hands only to realize that they are bigger and stronger than you will ever be.

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