Family Team News

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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Meet Gavin Rudd

Gavin was born after a very complicated pregnancy on October 6, 2010 weighing 3lbs 5 oz. His arrival was 6 weeks before his due date via emergency C-section. His mother, Heather, only got to see his tiny face for a second before he was transported to the NICU at Peninsula Regional Medical Center. His father, Jason was at his side while his mother anxiously waited in the recovery room for an update. Gavin was two hours old before she would be able to really see him for the first time and he was over fourteen hours old before she would hold him for the first time.
For 18 days Gavin was in the NICU, he learned how to breath all on his on, maintain his temperature, and to eat all by himself. Gavin was discharge from the NICU 3 weeks before his original due date. His parents thank the March of Dimes and the wonderful NICU staff at Peninsula Regional Medical Center, for helping Gavin, who is now a very happy, healthy, and very active toddler.

As 2012 Eastern Shore Ambassador Family, The Rudd’s will help raise awareness of premature birth and encourage residents and companies to participate in March for Babies.

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