My pregnancy was healthy for the most part and all three little
girls were growing beautifully. Everything was great until June 30, 2014, which is a day I will never forget. It was a routine ultrasound that I
received biweekly. They had found that Baylee’s heart had stopped
suddenly, and they were unsure of the reason. There wasn't any sign of twin
to twin or anything else. My heart broke to pieces and it will never be the
same again. Since she was my middle baby, I would need to continue to carry her
until I gave birth to her sisters. I was around 23 weeks along so she would
still be born, just silently and very small. She was 5 oz at birth. Since I had
to continue to carry her, my risk for preterm labor and other difficulties
increased more than it already was. The rest of my pregnancy was full of
fear and anxiety. I was watched even closer now, and by the gift
of God, wonderful doctors and research, I made it to October 6 (36 weeks
and 2 days). My late preemies did not need the NICU despite Charleigh being 4lbs
due to becoming growth restricted and developing cord flow issues.
I am forever thankful for my doctors to getting me and my
babies as far along as possible and watching us closely to keep us safe. My
story could have turned out worse than it already was and that is unimaginable.
I have decided that I want to do something every year for the good of others in
honor of Baylee and my surviving triplets, Riley and Charleigh. What could be
more appropriate than March for Babies? I want to help other
families like ours. I want to help them have a better outcome than we did and
be able to take all of their babies home whether they gave birth to one or to
multiples. I want all babies and pregnant women to have the best care possible.
I feel that I made it as far as I did because of the care I received and it is
important for that level of care to continue to grow. Fundraising for this
cause in honor of Baylee is helping my healing process, and I am just excited to
make this a tradition.
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