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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Why We Walk: Team Jesse James

Jesse Bonham lives in Central Maryland with his parents Amber and JD, older sister Katie and younger brother Tyler. On February 12, 2014, he was born at 29 weeks and weighed 3 pounds 1 ounce. Jesse spent 9 weeks in the NICU. Mom Amber says, “After delivering a full-term baby girl, we never imagined anything could go wrong.” 

Jesse was a healthy preemie, scoring a 9 on the Apgar test. He didn't require immediate oxygen according to Amber. He was on a nasal cannula for 7 weeks, required a blood transfusion at 3 weeks and had some feeding issues. He came home on a heart monitor to track his apnea and bradycardias
He began therapy immediately and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy in July 2008. 

Jesse began talking at age 2.5-years-old and was finally able to walk unassisted in October 2009! Jesse is now a thriving 7-year-old with the biggest heart and appreciation for everyone and everything that surrounds him. 

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