Our Family Teams are the heart of the March of Dimes mission and because of that we want to reward you with some special opportunities for your fundraising efforts in March for Babies. The following teams have won the opportunity to recognize a hospital of there choice.
$20,000 – Opportunity to present a piece of furniture from Bob’s Discount Furniture (with your team name included) to the NICU of your choice*
Team Davis-Townsend$10,000– Opportunity to provide March of Dimes educational materials to NICU of your choice*
WMC's team
$5,000 – Opportunity to present a plaque to your favorite doctor or nurse at a NICU of your choice*
Brayden Hurley Hatchett
Children's National Medical Center
Cuckoo for Camryn
Fairlington MOMS Club
Faith, Hope and Grace
For Sophia and Charlotte
Hannah's Legacy
In Memory of Little Robert
Kathryn's Team
MOMS Club of Alexandria-Franconia
Snuggle Bug Bunch
SNVC Success
Taylor Asha
Team Collo
Team Craft
Team Emmy Bear!
Team HPB
Team Katelyn20175
Trenton's Trotters
UBC Pacers
Please Note: Levels are not cumulative and will be reflective of all monies turned in by Friday, June 1, 2012. These opportunities only applies to Family Teams and therefore cannot include a hospital, corporation or organization, but could be a sub-team of one of the above.
*NICU choices must be located within the Maryland-National Capital Area Chapter. This includes Northernm Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. Any family who qualifies for the plaque presentation who wishes to present to a doctor or nurse not located in this area will still have the opportunity to have a plaque made, but will have to coordinate the presentation themselves with that hospital.